Archive for January 2010

This invoice is brought to you by java.lang.NullPointerException

Jan 27, 2010

Invoice address field

Guess what language the invoicing solution that printed the invoice shown above has been written in…

ActionMailer and mod_fcgi

Jan 26, 2010

Lately, I have been playing around a lot with Ruby on Rails and am currently finishing my first full-fledged application. While I am using WEBrick directly launched from my Eclipse development IDE in my development environment the production site is currently using Apache + mod_fcgi to run the application. This is where all the problems started. ;-)

The application sends out e-mail notifications (using ActionMailer) for various state transitions, which worked flawlessly on the development machine. In the production setting, however, sending mails failed complaining that it cannot find the associated mail template:

ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template event_mailer/approval_requested_notification.erb in view path app/views): app/models/event_observer.rb:3:in `after_enter_awaiting_approval' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/observer.rb:185:in `notify_observers' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/observer.rb:184:in `each' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/observer.rb:184:in `notify_observers' (eval):10:in `create_or_update_without_callbacks' app/controllers/event_controller.rb:71:in `request_approval' public/dispatch.fcgi:24

Well, after putting some thought into possible differences between development and production and ruling out any relevant configuration differences in config/* all that remained was the fact that dev uses WEBrick while production uses mod_fcgi. One thought lead to another and it turned out that WEBrick sets the application root as the current working directory during startup while mod_fcgi does not.

So, the workaround is simple: Set the current working directory to the application root in config/environment.rb, such as:

Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__) << '/../')

Wie ein bunter Sternenhimmel

Jan 24, 2010

Da stand ich und richtete meinen Blick nach oben. Lauter kleine funkelnde Sterne. Millionen von Lichtjahren entfernt. Doch irgendetwas stimmte nicht. Ich wusste nur noch nicht, was. Sonderbar grün waren sie alle. Das hatte ich so noch nicht gesehen. Langsam wurde mir klar: Das ist nicht der Sternenhimmel, den du da siehst. Das ist dein neuer Monitor!

I see dead pixels

Jan 22, 2010

Für’s Protokoll: Mein neuer 24-Zöller, ein HP LP2475w, hat zwei tote rote Subpixel (einen am unteren Bildschirmrand, einen in der Mitte) und geht damit postwendend an den Händler zurück.

Und nun hoffe ich, dass ich ein Montagsgerät erwischt habe und das nächste Exemplar Pixelfehler-frei ist. Bis auf die Pixelfehlerproblematik konnte der Monitor auf den ersten Blick nämlich durchaus überzeugen.

Petition gegen Ganzkörperscanner

Jan 11, 2010

Auf der Petitionsseite des Deutschen Bundestags läuft seit heute eine Petition gegen den Einsatz von Ganzkörperscannern auf deutschen Flughäfen. Zur Mitzeichnung geht es hier.

Hash It! - Stop overloading your brain with passwords

Jan 5, 2010

As a happy long-term user of the Password Hasher extension for Mozilla Firefox I got used to being able to use different secure passwords per web site without having to take the burden of remembering them all.

When I recently bought an Android-based smartphone I was missing most of that convenience while surfing the Internet from my smartphone as Password Hasher was not available natively on that platform.

Hash It!, an application for the Android platform I developed, is there to bridge this gap: It eases using unique passwords per web site without overloading your brain by generating site-specific passwords derived from a secret master key. It maintains compatibility with the Password Hasher Firefox extension.

Hash It! is free (as in speech) open source software released under the GPLv3 with the source code being available on GitHub.

Further details on how to download it to your mobile phone are available at:
